Network Analysis Tools - Help about convert-classes

This manual page is provisionary. It is a simple copy / paste of the manual of the command line tool.


    Interconversions between different formats of class/cluster files.

    Jacques van Helden 

    Sylvain Brohée 


    convert-classes [-i inputfile] [-o outputfile] [-v]

    The output format of the MCL algorithm. MCL is a graph-based clustering
    algorithm developed by Stijn Van Dongen (

    The output format has one row per cluster, each row giving a list of
    elements, separated by tabulations.

    The output format of the MCODE algorithm. MCODE is a graph-based
    clustering algorithm developed by Bader and Hogue (Bader and Hogue, BMC
    Bioinformatics, 2003)

    A tab-delimited text file with 2 columns (+1 optional). The first column
    indicates the element, the second column the class (cluster). The third
    column is optional, it can be used to indicate the score for the
    assignation of the element to the class (e.g. a posterior probability).
    Any real value is accepted as score.

    A tab-delimited text file with a table containing one row per element,
    and one column per class. The first row starting with a '#' (the header
    row) indicates the class names. The first column contains the element
    names. The cells of the table contain either boolean or real values.
    Boolean values indicate the membership (1 if the element is member of
    the class, 0 otherwise). Real values can specify a score for the
    membership of the element to the class (e.g. posterior probability).

    Erdros-Renyi Mixture of Graphs. format defined by Stephane Robin for his
    ERMG algorithm (submitted).

    RNSC format. format defined by Andrew King for his RNSC clustering
    algorithm. Each line of the file represents a clusters contains a list
    of integer representing the member. The end of the classification is
    indicated by '-1'.

    To convert from RNSC to another format, two files must thus be given : a
    cluster file (-i option) and a name file (-names option) which is a two
    colum tab delimited file containing the name of each corresponding id
    (See King et al, 2004).

    -v #
        Level of verbosity (detail in the warning messages during execution)

        Display full help message

        Same as -h

    -i inputfile
        If no input file is specified, the standard input is used. This
        allows to use the command within a pipe.

    -o outputfile
        If no output file is specified, the standard output is used. This
        allows to use the command within a pipe.

    -names file_name
        Two column file specifying the labels of the members of the
        classification given in the classification file. First column
        contains the identifier and second column the corresponding label.

    -from input_format
        Input format. Supported: tab, mcl, profiles, mcode, rnsc

    -to output_format
        Output format. Supported: tab, mcl,profiles

        Member column. Column containing the member names in the tab format
        (default 1).

        Class column. Column containing the class names in the tab format
        (default 1).

        Score column. Column containing the scores in tab format. If not
        specified, scores are not defined.

        Null string used as score in the profile output for the undefined
        class memberships (default 0).

        Assign each node to all the clusters with the ERMG format, with the
        posterior probability as score.

        Minimal score value for member to class assignation.