RSAT - Network Analysis Tools - Web Services
The Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools and Network Analysis Tools are accessible via SOAP/WSDL Web Services.Web Services offer a programmatic interface for running the tools from a remote computer, and combining them with other similar services. Using RSAT via Web Services allows to automatize repetitive tasks.
- The WSDL describes the services offered by RSAT. This is the primary programmatic interface for the web clients.
- Full description of the available Web Services and their options
How to use RSAT web services ?
- A protocol with detailed documentation of each programming step (Perl example).
Sand, O., Thomas-Chollier, M., Vervisch, E. and van Helden, J. (2008) Analyzing multiple data sets by interconnecting RSAT programs via SOAP Web services-an example with ChIP-chip data. Nat Protoc, 3, 1604-1615. Pubmed 18802441
The PERL code itself might be outdated by now, but the general information on Web services are still valid and constitute a good introduction for beginners.- Tutorial at ECCB 2014 with beginner example in Python
- Examples of client programs in
- Perl
The simplest clients use the module XML::Compile::WSDL11, which creates on the fly the stubb (client-side of the code needed to interact with the WSDL).
[matrix-scan] [matrix-scan with email outpout] [fetch sequences from UCSC] For long jobs, we recommend using the Web services in an asynchronous way : the first call outputs a ticket. This ticket is used to monitor the job. When the job is finished, the same ticket is used to retrieve the results.
[matrix-scan with ticket] [Monitor] [Get result] [Monitor and get results]- Python
We use suds module for Python clients.
[fetch sequences from UCSC][matrix-scan]- Java
- Additional documented examples of implementations.
For information request, please contact
The development of the RSATWS initiative was supported by the BioSapiens Network of excellence funded under the sixth Framework programme of the European Communities (LSHG-CT-2003-503265).